-=CHRYoTiX=- Another level from the KaoTiX series Made by NuKE (magneton@earthlink.net) Created with Devil 2.01F Greetz to Danek & all the PPG gang Special Thanx to: Lindrone - Beta tester Grim - Midi Supplier Instructions: There is a switch in the reactor room, blow it, and the door behind it will open up. Hurry in, because this door can only be opened ONCE from the outside. Once you are in, this is the "Control Room". Whatever player gets there first has access to how many sectors of the pentagon will be opened up. You will notice at the top, there are lights. 3 bars of lights means the switch for 3 players, 4 for 4 players, and 5 bars for the 5 or more players switch. If you have two players, do not hit any of the switches and exit the conrol room. If you have three players, blow the 3 player switch and exit. If you have 4 players blow BOTH the 3 player and 4 player switches. If you have 5 or more players, blow all three switches and exit the control room. It may be confusing at first, but its really quite simple. I added this feature (The "Sectoring" system) because I don't want a level to be too big or too small, but just the right size for the amount of players. Enjoy. Copywright Permissions: You may not modify, or use this level as a base to build additional levels without permission from: magneton@earthlink.net You may distribute this level over the net, kali, BBS e-mail, whatever, just as long as this file is attached and with no modifications Watch out for TeKNiX, coming up next! Kaos Control, a 7-level multiplayer series coming soon! Visit me at Http://www.earthlink.net/~magneton/